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Hi ,
“This was helpful, but after some reflection, muting is only one thing I want to do when selecting a track, so what I really need is a increment or decrement selected track macro. Then I can mute or do a Volume on a track or anything really.”

I am not sure I understand the question, but if yes, make those two macros :

//**************** SelectNextTrack ***************
VarLoopTrack trk_x {$current_selected_track$ + 1}
SelectTrack @ trk_x
//**************** SelectNextTrack End ***************

//**************** SelectPreviousTrack ***************
VarLoopTrack trk_x {$current_selected_track$ – 1}
SelectTrack @ trk_x
//**************** SelectPreviousTrack End ***************

Put each one in a slot.
Set a midi note of your footboard to launch each macro.