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Hi Gwenole,
Here is a macro example for this kind of situation.
//*************************** macro begin *****************************
// This macro will reproduce the During reach macro function
// It may be useful with settings not implemented
// in the native During reach funtionnality
// ********************************************************************
// Put your personnal settings here
// you need to know your begin value, your target value
// and the during duration
Declare float $dr_begin_value$ = 10000
Declare float $dr_target_value$ = 200
Declare int $dr_during_length_ms$ = 3000
// Only change those declarations if you
// need something particular
Declare int $dr_step_duration_ms$ = 10
Declare float $dr_steps_count$ = {$dr_during_length_ms$ / $dr_step_duration_ms$}
Declare float $dr_step_size$ = {($dr_target_value$ – $dr_begin_value$) / $dr_steps_count$}
Declare float $dr_current_value$ = $dr_begin_value$
Declare float $dr_current_duration_ms$ = 0
$dr_current_value$ = {$dr_current_value$ + $dr_step_size$}
Sleep $dr_step_duration_ms$
$dr_current_duration_ms$ = {$dr_current_duration_ms$ + $dr_step_duration_ms$}
//Choose the setting here
InsertSendMessage trk1 1 Frequency $dr_current_value$
While {$dr_current_duration_ms$ < $dr_during_length_ms$} //**************************** macro end ******************************