Home Forums Macros Looper state function Reply To: Looper state function

Philippe OllivierPhilippe


1 – The main looper is the 10 tracks looper.$state_multiply$, $state_mute$, $state_overdub$, $state_record$ will tell you the state of this main looper.
$current_full_tracks_count$ and $current_last_full_track$ will tell you how many tracks are playing in the main looper.

2 – $current_loop_duration_ms$ and $current_loop_duration_samples$ will tell you if there is something in the main looper : {$current_loop_duration_ms$ != 0} means something is recorded and if it is not muted ({$state_mute$ == false}) it should be playing.

3 – if you load a looper in fx3 / rank 1, this variable will be created : $Looper_fx3_rank1_Record_state$ and it will be visible in the list.
If you put $Looper_fx3 in the filter part of the variable table, you will see this list :


All of those variables describes the fx3-rank1 Looper state
