Home Forums Macros Strange and random user variable behaviour Reply To: Strange and random user variable behaviour

Philippe OllivierPhilippe

Hi Daniel,
I see something in french in the error repport :

L’opérateur [==] ne peut pas être appliqué entre des objets de type [int] et [boolean]
Which means “The [==] operator cannot be applied between objects of type [int] and [boolean]”
We should fix this language confusion…

Is there another macro using this $Loop1Selected$ variable?
If yes, does it set the variable to 1 or 0, or any int?

That could be the cuylprit.

Also, you need to declare the variable in every macro that use it.
So you should put :

Declare Once boolean $Loop1Selected$ = false

At the top of the second macro.
That may fix the error…
