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Sure. Below is the full Matrix Macro:

Declare Local Once boolean $firstTime$ = true
Declare Local int $itemID$ = 0
Declare Local int $itemSize$ = 56
Declare Local int $verticalPosition$ = 1

Declare Once boolean $rndSliceActivated$ = false

If { $firstTime$ }
$firstTime$ = false

//Sleep 300
SendData thispatcher itemamount 2

Sleep 200

SendData mainWindow setsize 463 {30 + ($itemSize$ * 1)}

SendData item 0 fontface regular
//SendData button 0 fontsize 40
SendData item 0 bgcolor 0. 0. 0. 1.;
SendData item 0 bgoncolor 0.773 0.145 0.196 1.;
SendData item 0 bordercolor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.;
SendData item 0 borderoncolor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.;
SendData item 0 textcolor 0.827 0.827 0.824 1.
SendData item 0 textoncolor 0.827 0.827 0.824 1.;

SendData thispatcher basicdisposition

SendData MacroInitialized

// Which Case is it ?
Message { “Button, Dial or SVG number ” + currentCaseValueString() + ” : ” + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}

CaseBranch 1
Set $rndSliceActivated$ = false
MidiSend “Launchpad MK2” 150 106 5
Sleep 500
TrackLoopReset trk_all
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 <>

CaseBranch 2
MacroStartIfNeededOnSlot 49
MidiSend “Launchpad MK2” 150 99 16

Sleep 500

MidiSend “Launchpad MK2” 150 106 0
MidiSend “Launchpad MK2” 150 99 0