Home Forums Macros Trim Main Looper/Insert Looper start and end point (not by selection) Reply To: Trim Main Looper/Insert Looper start and end point (not by selection)

Philippe OllivierPhilippe

Hi Daniel,
Ok, I understand now !

You can’t do that in the Main Looper and will probably never be able to do it there…
But that’s possible to do it in the modular loopers.
Try this for example :

// Select a part of the loop
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionIn 0
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionOut {$Looper_fx1_rank1_current_length$ / 2}

WaitDuration 10

// Copy your selection
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Copy

WaitDuration 200
// Paste your selection and this will replace
// the content of the looper by you selection
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Paste
