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I tried your proposal above and it works for all the cases where the SelectionIn = 0 and the modification is done to the SelectionOut. But as soon as I add a value in SelectionIn strange things are done that I do not understand. I think the strange thing happens during defining the selection. A have the below macro code

InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionIn 40000
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionOut {$Looper_fx1_rank1_current_length$}
WaitDuration 10
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Copy
WaitDuration 200
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Paste

Before Macro Length = 88000
After Macro Length = 66000 (I was expecting 48000 since we should have removed 40000 samples from the start)

When I run the above macro without Copy and Paste to see what happens using SelectionIn/SelectionOut this is the values i see in the Insert Looper:

Begin: 22000
End: 110000
Length: 88000

I cannot make any sense of the above values. Why is the Begin 22000 and not 40000? And should End really be able to have a value AFTER Length?
