Home Forums Macros Trim Main Looper/Insert Looper start and end point (not by selection) Reply To: Trim Main Looper/Insert Looper start and end point (not by selection)

Philippe OllivierPhilippe

I tried this macro which is your macro plus a record line.

InsertSendMessage fx1 1 Record 88000

// Select a part of the loop
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionIn 40000
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 SelectionOut $Looper_fx1_rank1_current_length$

WaitDuration 10

// Copy your selection
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Copy

WaitDuration 200
// Paste your selection and this will replace
// the content of the looper by you selection
InsertSendMessage fx1 1 AudioMessages Paste

End everything is ok here.
I cannot understand your 66000 result…