Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) Dynamic playback/stretch control of a current Korpus looper Reply To: Dynamic playback/stretch control of a current Korpus looper

Patrick KiznyPacocreative

Merci, c’est rien.
Despite being a ‘homemade’ tool, it’s a robustly designed platform, and incredibly versatile. That’s why it’s easy to learn.

Moving forward, I’m thinking about handling some more automations via macros, and I wonder if the following architecture would make sense for more complex cases?

Have one central looped macro running at 25fps/20ms that would actually have access to all recently received midi signals, and it would process multiple behaviors dependent on many mini signals from one central program. I wonder if this makes sense in terms of optimizing performance, versus using multiple listeners and multiple loops? Or, rather LL is written in such way, that multiple looped macros are not a performance strain?

Wonder if exposing received midi in a more centralized way would be doable on your side?
I guess with 8 available listeners I’ll be soon out of slots 😉