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Christophe Le MennKrismenn

j’ai posé la question au développeurs ca devrait pouvoir se programmer aisément, il faudra peut être faire un SFX mais ca ne devrait pas être compliqué. L’avantage du bluetooth c’est aussi qu’on peux piloter l’ordinateur jusqu’à 30 mètres de distance (si on en a l’utilité…)

“The iMpulse uses the Bluetooth HID keyboard protocol to send messages to your device. If you’re using OSC/Max etc, it should be relatively straightforward to remap the keys that the iMpulse outputs, and have your receiving device listen for and redirect those keys. There are a total of 10 key commands output by the iMpulse, you can see the specific keycommands on our SDK page at http://sdk.impulsecontroller.com/. I would say that our “Universal” Mode is the one you are looking to use. iOS operates oddly in that it expects to hear 2 different keycommands per each keystroke operation – this may confuse your app, or you could assign your remap to the release keys only. If that works for you, you could go further and use 2 iMpulse Controllers (one in iOS mode, the other in Universal mode) to get nearly double the keypress commands!”