Home Forums Logelloop (English spoken) Control loop slicing window using midi controller Reply To: Control loop slicing window using midi controller

Gwenole PeaudecerfGwenole

//This macro will recall a slicer step previously stored
//by presing a midi note controller routed on the Macro Midi Variables.
//You’ll just have to adress your midi keyboard to the midiv_ntv1, 2,3,…
//in the project configuration menu > Midi > Variables for macro and to program your slicer steps with the desired
//time selection.


If {$midiv_ntv1$ > 0}

SlicerStepLoad 1


//Copy here up to 8 If to EndIf lines and just change the number of the midi ntv and the number of the slicer step load

If {$midiv_ntv8$ > 0}

SlicerStepLoad 8


Sleep 100

While true