Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) SFX Macro Control Reply To: SFX Macro Control

Philippe OllivierPhilippe

“Macro ctrls for SFX…” is now deprecated.
You should use the regular macro messages instead.

And :

InsertController sfx 2 18 = MasterVolume {scale(currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0), 0, 127, 0, 1.25)}

is not a right use of “InsertController” which was only intended to be used with LFX inserts and not SFXs.

So, I think what you are looking for is :
SFXSendMessage 2 MasterLevel {scale(currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0), 0, 127, -76, 0)}

You can take it by selecting the MasterLevel line in the “Macro messages for Granular…” part of the help window and click cmd + c.

I hope I understand well what you want to do and this message will help…