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Patrick KiznyPacocreative

Well, I think I’ve investigated changing case branches to identify the buttons by string label.
That’s exactly what I wrote in my initial post, and as I remember it did not solve the problem.

Trying to repeat the same, but assigning strings as names:
SendData item dial 1 name “Vol 1”
SendData item dial 2 name “Vol 2”
SendData item button 9 name “ResetSpeeds”
SendData item button 32 name “StopAll”

I tried addressing CaseBranch both by ID or name String.

CaseBranch 32
// Your code here
CaseBranch “StopAll”
// Your code here

Dials stop working properly, but no error thrown in console.
Buttons stop working properly and I get error in the console:
dict: no dictionary named StopAll, cannot get value

Unless I made another mistake somewhere else.