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Patrick KiznyPacocreative

Currently Matrix “case” and “case_longpress” can be programmed separately and are useful if you want to execute one action on short press down AND another one afterwards on longpress. However, this does not handle the case where you want to execute EITHER short press or longpress, but not both.

Here’s a small routine I use for programming single press vs longpress functionalities on Matrix macros so that when you longpress, the short press code is not executed. It’s usable for non time-critical actions of course, because the short press action is deferred to “case_up” event.

// in the head
Declare Local Once int $m_press_flag$ = 0   // Flag for detecting short/long

// in case branches

CaseBranch "K"
	$m_press_flag$ = 1

CaseBranch "K_longpress"
	$m_press_flag$ = 0
    // put long press action here

CaseBranch "K_up"
	// exec deferred short press action
	If {$m_press_flag$ == 1}
		// put deferred short press action here
		$m_press_flag$ = 0