Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) Matrix Macro Template

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  • #6741
    Patrick KiznyPacocreative


    I played a bit with layouts for Matrix, and below I share a template that includes arbitrary number of rows and columns, as well as custom sizing with auto layout. I also left some comments for usage/extending

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Customization -----------------------------------------------------
    // Layout - alter rows & columns as desired
    // Dials will be distributed on top
    Declare Local int $rows$ = 6		// how many rows you want
    Declare Local int $cols$ = 8		// how many columns we want
    Declare Local int $dials$ = 32		// how many dials
    Declare Local int $itemSize$ = 72	// what size we want
    // ----------------------------------------------------- Internal vars -----------------------------------------------------
    // Internal
    Declare Local Once boolean $firstTime$ = true
    Declare Local int $itemID$ = 1
    Declare Local int $r$ = 1
    Declare Local int $c$ = 1
    // ----------------------------------------------------- Layout & Initialization -----------------------------------------------------
    If { $firstTime$ }
    	$firstTime$ = false
    	SendData itemamount {$cols$ * $rows$}
    	WaitDuration 300
            // Set initial rows of dials
       	// Set the output type (0 = int, 1 = float)
    	// SendData dial 0 type 0
    	// Set all dials to -76
    	// SendData dial 0 -76
    	// Toggle mode on
    	// SendData item 0 mode 1
    	// Toggle mode off
    	// SendData button 0 mode 0
    		SendData itemtype $itemID$ dial
    		$itemID$ = {$itemID$ + 1}
    		WaitDuration 10
    	While {$itemID$ <= $dials$}
    	// Layout
    	SendData mainWindow setsize {($itemSize$ * $cols$) + 4} {($itemSize$ * $rows$)+ 4 + 30}
    	$itemID$ = 0
    		$c$ = {($itemID$ - 1) % $cols$}
    		$r$ = {(($itemID$ - 1) / $cols$) % $rows$}
    		SendData item $itemID$ name $itemID$
    		SendData itemsize {$itemID$ } {($itemSize$ * $c$)+2} {($itemSize$ * $r$)+2} $itemSize$ $itemSize$
    		$itemID$ = {$itemID$ + 1}
    	While {$itemID$ <= ($rows$ * $cols$)}
    	SendData item button 0 fontface regular
    	SendData item button 0 fontsize 12
    	SendData item button 0 bgcolor 0. 0. 0. 1.;
    	SendData item button 0 bgoncolor 0.773 0.145 0.196 1.;
    	SendData item button 0 bordercolor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.;
    	SendData item button 0 borderoncolor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.;
    	SendData item button 0 textcolor 0.827 0.827 0.824 1.
    	SendData item button 0 textoncolor 0.827 0.827 0.824 1.;
    	SendData item dial 0 bordercolor 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.;
    	SendData item dial 0 min 0
    	SendData item dial 0 max 127
    	SendData item dial 0 midimode 0
    	//SendData item dial defaultSettings
    	//SendData item button defaultSettings
    	// SendData basicdisposition // default size and positioning
        // Namings - alter these as you need, make sure to appropriately name the case branches later
    	SendData item 1 name "Dial 1"
    	SendData item 2 name "Dial 2"
    	SendData item 3 name "Dial 3"
    	SendData item 4 name "Dial 4"
    	SendData item 33 name "But 1"
    	SendData item 34 name "But 2"
    	SendData item 35 name "But 3"
        // Midi mappings
    	//  It is possible to set the midi mappings by list
    	//  arguments are itemID midiInputType midiNote midiChannel
    	//	SendData midiMappingByList 3 cc 16 11 6 cc 2 11 8 cc 3 11
    	//	SendData midiMappingByList 11 cc 16 11 12 cc 2 11 13 cc 3 11
       	// SendData midiMapping clearAll
    	SendData midiMappingByList 33 cc 105 16
    	SendData midiMappingByList 34 cc 106 16
    	SendData midiMappingByList 35 cc 107 16
    	SendData MacroInitialized
    // ----------------------------------------------------- Case usage guide -----------------------------------------------------
    // Which Case is it ?
    // CaseBranch 1
    // CaseBranch 1_up
    // CaseBranch 1_toggleOff
    // CaseBranch 1_toggleOn
    // Using custom names
    // CaseBranch "My Dial 1"
    // CaseBranch "My Button"
    // CaseBranch "My Button_up"
    // CaseBranch "My Button_toggleOff"
    // CaseBranch "My Button_toggleOn"
    // ----------------------------------------------------- Case Branches -----------------------------------------------------
    Message { "Button or Dial number " + currentCaseValueString() + " : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    // Custom named dial
    CaseBranch "Dial 1"
    	MessageMain { "Dial " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " value is : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    	// Your code here
    CaseBranch "Dial 2"
    	MessageMain { "Dial " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " value is : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    	// Your code here
    CaseBranch "Dial 3"
    	MessageMain { "Dial " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " value is : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    	// Your code here
    CaseBranch "Dial 4"
    	MessageMain { "Dial " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " value is : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    	// Your code here
    // Default unnamed dial
    CaseBranch 5
    	MessageMain { "Dial " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " value is : " + currentCaseOptionValueFloat(0)}
    	// Your code here
    // Custom named button press
    CaseBranch "But 1"
    	Message "Button 1 down"
    // Custom named button release
    CaseBranch "But 1_up"
    	Message "Button 1 up"
    // Regular buttons
    CaseBranch 36
    	Message "The button number " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " is down"
    	// Your code here
    CaseBranch 36_up
    	Message "The button number " + (currentCaseValueString()) + " is up"
    	// Your code here
    WaitDuration 20
    // Put here some code that will be interpreted after each CaseBranch
    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Patrick,
    Thank you so much for this great contribution !
    While trying it, I see that the midi learn buttons aren’t well set, and it seems that removing the “WaitDuration” line after the “itemamount” fixe the issue.
    I am not sure the that the WaitDuration is still needed in my templates either…
    I will look at it.
    Best !

    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    You are right, and I arrived at the same issues while programming a 150-buttons Matrix (!).
    Playing currently with a layout for Novation Launchpad X, and setting up most of my workflows there.

    If you choose to spend a New Year programming Logelloop, I guess you’re a freak… LOL
    Happy New Year!

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe


    You are right, and I arrived at the same issues while programming a 150-buttons Matrix (!).
    Playing currently with a layout for Novation Launchpad X, and setting up most of my workflows there.

    This is great to read !
    Programming Matrix was a big work, so I am very happy to see that some users like it.

    If you choose to spend a New Year programming Logelloop, I guess you’re a freak… LOL
    Happy New Year!

    haha, I took a short break to celebrate !
    And now again at work…

    Happy new Year !


    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    Since you mentioned Matrix and I took a look, it’s currently my go-to tool to setup all macros and midi.
    Frankly, I do prefer Matrix + Macros vs setting up midi assignments in preferences.
    The reason for that is a bit more flexibility and control, but also having everything in one place.
    I’m also a visual guy, and seeing my workflow in front of me is a huge benefit.

    I do get the logics behind how the preferences and midi assignments are designed, but it did not steal my heart.
    Maybe I’m just spoiled with ‘click>learn>assign’ approach that has become a standard in established softwares.

    Thanks for making it available.

    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    Currently Matrix “case” and “case_longpress” can be programmed separately and are useful if you want to execute one action on short press down AND another one afterwards on longpress. However, this does not handle the case where you want to execute EITHER short press or longpress, but not both.

    Here’s a small routine I use for programming single press vs longpress functionalities on Matrix macros so that when you longpress, the short press code is not executed. It’s usable for non time-critical actions of course, because the short press action is deferred to “case_up” event.

    // in the head
    Declare Local Once int $m_press_flag$ = 0   // Flag for detecting short/long
    // in case branches
    CaseBranch "K"
    	$m_press_flag$ = 1
    CaseBranch "K_longpress"
    	$m_press_flag$ = 0
        // put long press action here
    CaseBranch "K_up"
    	// exec deferred short press action
    	If {$m_press_flag$ == 1}
    		// put deferred short press action here
    		$m_press_flag$ = 0
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