Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) Any update on discrepancies when using Link Metronome sync with Ableton Live?

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    In accordance to earlier blog posts neither “Link” or “External Sync” Metronome sync modes are stable when using with Ableton Live, and making them useless. I have not received any update on this issue for some time and would appreciate an update. If there is a combination of OS and Live version that actually is stable for external Ableton Live sync that would also be good input. Thanks!

    (I am currently using Loogelloop 6 on a Macbook Air M2 with Mac OS Ventura. And Abelton Live 11.)



    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    We will soon be releasing Logelloop 6.1
    We’ve tried to make some improvements to synchronisation with Ableton.
    It turns out that everything is not yet perfectly stable, but it’s not easy to fix for several reasons.
    As soon as Logelloop 6.1 is released, we’ll be working on this again.
    I’m really sorry I can’t do better at the moment.


    Ok, then I know you are still working on the issue. Thanks for the update. If possible, please keep me in the loop with the progress!



    I just now read the 6.1 Release notes and found this “Metronome / Looper: Fixed the link synchrinisation”. Does this mean that you have found a fix to the Ableton Link issue?

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    As you know we made many fixes around the link issues for this version.

    At a moment I wrote this in the fixes :

    Fixed the link synchronisation”. Does this mean that you have found a fix to the Ableton Link issue?

    But in fact, the issue is not fixed, so I think I should remove this in the release note.
    I am so sorry… I promise that we will have a fix in a not so long time as it is something important.
    Best regards,

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