Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) Extending Granulaterre

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    Patrick KiznyPacocreative


    I’ve played yesterday with GR a bit and I find it very creatively rewarding. Even more so than than the loopers, but well, blame this on my terrible skills at using loopers 🙂

    My favorite way of using it is to lay some harmonies for accompaniment under melodic soloing.

    Anyways, here’s a wishlist of what I’d like to push GR to do next.
    Some of it may take programming on your side (*), the rest probably would go easily by macros.
    So I’ll dive into this soon.

    * swing & microtime
    – chords/harmony to track transpose ratios
    – grid population ⇀ randomize density
    * grid population ⇀ lock rows & columns from randomization

    Randomize feature works great, but IMHO to get musical continuity, I’d love to lay out a foundational rhythm (rows & columns), lock it, and then use randomize to populate unlocked grid cells with varying density in the performance time.

    I’ll start sensing around but if you have any good pointers for me related to hidden gems and quirks of the software, would love to hear.

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Paco,

    * swing & microtime

    This is an old feature request !
    I tried many ways of implementing it, and I’ve never been convinced by the result.
    You are interested in the possibility to set the trigger earlier or later for each step?
    For example, -0.5 to +0.5 ?
    I will try again…

    – chords/harmony to track transpose ratios

    have you had a look to the microtonality settings?
    You can set them by macro.

    – grid population ⇀ randomize density

    Yes, you can do it by macro !

    * grid population ⇀ lock rows & columns from randomization

    Unfortunately, to do so, I will need to re-program the randomization from scratch.
    But, Yes, I like the idea.
    I put it on the list !


    Patrick KiznyPacocreative


    For swing and microtime, I imagine that it may be difficult to introduce early time, but delayed by x ticks or swing as percentage should be fine.
    For the grid randomization, let’s see how far I can go by macros, especially that I plan on adding Euclidean Rhythms fill. If macros prove to be a bottleneck to do so, perhaps I’ll leave this idea to you.

    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    Here’s a few more requests as I worked with Granulaterre scripting.
    Starting from the low hanging fruits.

    1/ Overdub Mix level exposed for macro
    2/ Track pitch exposed for macro
    3/ RandomGrid to accept probability parameter (0. = none, 1. = 100%)
    4/ Ability to lock rows, columns or cells from randomization
    5/ Ability to provide programs by rows in a simple list/array format
    6/ Better input routing — Is there a way to direct signal to GT coming from Inputs window AUX sends? Or other FX tracks? That would allow to pre-fx and have consistent routing with Korpus loopers.

    Thanks for taking it into account somewhere in the future.

    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    I think Normalize sent as a macro command to Granulaterre does not work.
    I can normalize via UI, but can not via macro.

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Yes, good catch !
    I forgot the former message to normalize when I changed for the AudioMessage menu.
    I remove the old one that was not connected anymore.
    You should now use :

    SFXSendMessage 1 AudioMessages Normalize

    This already work in the current version.

    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    This worked, thanks.

    Here’s another crazy idea to consider.
    Use GT as a sequencer to trigger MIDI messages or macros (one per track) instead of sounds. Wild.

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe


    1/ Overdub Mix level exposed for macro

    In the next release you will find OverdubMixLevel in the list

    2/ Track pitch exposed for macro

    In the next release you will ind TrackPitches that can be use like this

    SFXSendMessage 1 TrackPitches 6 pitch 12

    Where 6 is the track id, and 12 is the desired pitch value
    To set the begin or end pitch faoir each track you will be able to put :

    SFXSendMessage 1 TrackPitches 8 pitchout 2
    SFXSendMessage 1 TrackPitches 3 pitchin -7

    Or even :

    SFXSendMessage 1 TrackPitches 6 pitch 12 8 pitchout 2 3 pitchin -7
    You can put as many setting after the word TrackPitches in the same list.

    3/ RandomGrid to accept probability parameter (0. = none, 1. = 100%)

    (I think you already asked for this somewhere else. Please don’t double questions, messages and feature request. The more informations I will receive, the less time I will have to read, answer and code 😃)

    Changing this would need to re-write a lot of code and taking the risk to break user presets.
    A new tool should be available soon to meet this demand.

    4/ Ability to lock rows, columns or cells from randomization

    Same answer

    5/ Ability to provide programs by rows in a simple list/array format

    In the next release, you will find a new GridSet macro message to Granulaterre.
    you will be able to use it like this :

    SFXSendMessage 3 GridSet $x_grid$ $y_grid$ {randomBool(0.5) ? 1 : 0}

    where the first value is the x position 1 (is left bottom), the second is the y position (is left bottom) and the third one is 1 to activate or 0.
    You will even be able to use it like this :

    SFXSendMessage 2 GridSet 2 8 1 4 5 1 5 6 1 9 5 1 10 6 1 10 7 1

    6/ Better input routing — Is there a way to direct signal to GT coming from Inputs window AUX sends? Or other FX tracks? That would allow to pre-fx and have consistent routing with Korpus loopers.

    1 – put a looper in fx1 insert 1
    2 – put an audio send in fx1 insert 2
    3 – set the audio send to the channel 1
    4 – set an audio receive in one input of Logelloop
    5 – set the audio receive to the channel 1
    6 – you will now receive the looper output in Granulaterre

    Looper output to Granulaterre

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Philippe OllivierPhilippe.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Philippe OllivierPhilippe.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Philippe OllivierPhilippe.
    Patrick KiznyPacocreative

    Whooooa, you’re a legend. Thanks!
    Apologize if I doubled requests.

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