Home Forums Macros Midi mapping of Macros with channel per Note + limit of 60 macro mappings

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    1. In Project Configuration > Midi Commands > Macros I am using “Commands by Note” and I am using Launchpad with different layouts with overlapping Midi Notes but with different channels per layout. In order for me to map macros using buttons in both layouts without the risk of triggering macros “wrongly” I would somehow need to define channel per EACH macro slot. Basically Macro 1 Note A4 Channel 8 and Macro 2 Note A5 Channel 14. Is this possible?

    2. I am slowly reaching the current limit of 60 macros mapped. Is there a way of extending this number?



    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    1 —> No, that’s not possible and I don’t think we will change that because you may use Matrix in this situation
    2 —> You should probably use Matrix to drastically reduce the use of macro slots.


    Ok! Fair enough ?

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