Home Forums Logelloop 5 (English spoken) Record automation of an entire performance?

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  • #4301
    Eric ZangEric Zang

    I haven’t tried Logelloop yet, but intend to within the next 2 months when I have the opportunity to. The feature list looks excellent!

    I’m interested to know if it is possible to record all the automation and direct audio (before effects/processing) of a long performance (1 hour +). The goal is to be able to replay the performance as well as all the automation/midi controlled actions I made (like in a standard DAW), so as to be able to edit the mistakes I may have made. For example, turning up the send to an effect at the wrong time, or making a bad loop, etc.

    Also, do I understand correctly that Logelloop can synchronize using Ableton Link, and also use Max4Live devices?



    Hi Eric,
    It is possible to record all audio before and after processing as multitrack recording, each track is recorded in a file.
    You can record a performance of more than one hour… We do not offer the possibility to record the automation, but, as you record all audio of the performance, you can edit the files in an editor and fix some mistakes.

    Logelloop can be synchronized with Ableton Link.

    You can use M4L devices in Logelloop but their utilization is very limited. If you make M4L devices with max, you will be able to make your own LFX and SFX plugs for Logelloop.

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