Here is Logelloop 5.1 !

Aside from some bug fixes, Logelloop 5.1 introduces some very important things, like : Korpus (a revolutionary new Live Looping system) and a bunch of Looper new functionalities.

We still are in the mood for simplifying the use of the overall tool and we particularly do our best to improve the documentation. In this version, you will find a lot of new features including a multi-track audio file player, some File Player new synchronization functionalities, many new external commands (midi, OSC, LFO, macro) for inserts and SFXs (some of them now includes Midi note feedback), the ability to copy and paste SFX control messages for Macros (available in the tab “Messages – Controllers – Commands” of the documentation). The access to the project settings is now contextually possible from specific windows (Macros and File Player), in some cases we have also added direct link buttons to storage folders (Macros, File player, output recorder, etc.). 

We took advantage of the redesign of the SFX and LFX control system to standardize the variable names used by these plug-ins. In some cases, when you open your old projects, you may be asked to modify these variable names in your macros. We hope this will prevent you from having broken macros after the update.

Below you’ll find the complete list of new features and fixes.

Download Logelloop 5.1

New features in Logelloop 5.1 :

Logelloop is now Notarized and fully compatible with macOS Catalina
Faster launch (up to 3 times faster) on Windows
Korpus : a brand new revolutionary system to commands the Loopers
Auxiliaries channels : push cmd is not needed anymore to activate the fader
Looper insert : new mode ‘Action at next bar’ to sync to the first beat (record, unMute, Autofadein)
Looper insert : now has a Pause/Resume mode for Mute and Autofade
Looper insert : now has a midi command to change the playing direction
Looper insert : now has a Midi command to toggle group On/Off
Looper insert : now has a Midi command to toggle Synchronization On/Free
Looper insert : now has a Midi command to toggle Speed change On/Off
Looper insert : it is possible to set the head position with a midi controler
Looper insert : now has a Midi device control of the speed (ideal for keyboard-driven speed change)
Looper insert : Autofade by double click will fade out from the head position to the loop end
Looper insert : improved long push on Record to erase
Looper insert : When synchronized – speed/direction modification is synced to the metronome
Looper insert : When synchronized – The loop edition is quantized to 1 beat.
Looper insert : has a macro message to change the fade in/out Mute length
Looper insert : has a macro message to set the head position (Jump)
Looper insert : waveform zoom
Loopers groups : now up to 32 groups
Loopers groups : When a group is selected, Undo on the main Looper do a Clear on the inserted loopers
Midi : when a new MIDI device is added, it immediately appears in the MIDI device list (no need to relaunch Logelloop)
Midi device control for insert now take midi channel in account
Midi : Every midi note configuration permits to go up to C9
Midi : Midi Feedback enabled for all Main looper commands by notes
Midi : Midi Feedback enabled for all inserts
Midi control : Added MIDI control to Aux 5 to 8
New native macro : Elapsed time between two user actions
New variable $metronome_state$ describes the real metronome state
File players : Start / Stop / Pause / Resume can be synchronized to the metronome or to the main looper
File Player : the bpm is automatically recovered from a Logelloop’s loop
File Player : the bpm is automatically recovered if it is in the file name
File Player : the menu is refreshed when a Logelloop’s loop is saved, deleted or renamed
Saved loops : improved loop renaming and erase
Slicer : improved behavior with Inserts
Midi settings Interface : It is now possible to set up to 64 MIDI note listeners for inserts
Metronome has a different sound on the first beat
Metronome has a mute button
Metronome audio level can be controller by Midi
Documentation : OSC messages now appear in a data sheet inside the dynamic Logelloop documentation
“Undo Record” in Midi and keyboard settings is now named “Erase”
Granulaterre : LFO take the correct sample size when a file was loaded
EQ Param, LowCut, HiCut, Bandpass now have a copy/paste feature from one plug-in to another
EQ Param, LowCut, HiCut, Bandpass now have a On Off button
Ping Pong Delay now has a on/off button
Playlist now has a show media folder button
Granulaterre has now midi/keyboard/osc triggers for sounds
Granulaterre sample size is now stored in presets
BandPass insert has now MIDI controllers
Delay insert has now a bypass and On OFF button
Delay pitch needs less CPU / better performances
Macro : LooperGroup Select 0 : now possible to select the main Looper in Group Looper, via macro
Main Looper : New option “Fadein is immediate and restart the metronome.”
File Player : now disponible as a multitrack file player in SFX section
Files player : now has a show folder button and a show project edition button
SFX template : Lots of improvements
SFX : now receive OSC messages and commands (reste à implémenter et documenter)
Inserts LFX : Every insert settings can be set with OSC messages (reste documentation à faire)
Babylooper : new macro messages
Babylooper : stereo input meters
Looper : Now has a recording head
Compressor : new User Interface, added macro messages
Documentation : new chapter to explain the Logelloop Documentation!
Documentation : new article about the compressor, the insert delay, counter window
Documentation : lots of new articles
Dynamic Documentation : Copy/paste from SFX Controllers section
Output recorder : Meters state has an icon and his state is stored in the project
Output recorder : has a button to open the recorded file folder
Macros Window : now has a show folder button, a show project edition button, a show documentation button
Quaddelay & Quadpitchdelay : now has a show documentation button (?)
SFX : up to 16 MIDI controllers are now possible
SFX : up to 16 MIDI commands are now possible
Granulaterre : improved the interface
Interface : Compressor, Delay, Delay Pitch, Ping Pong delay and Pitch now have a copy/paste feature from one plug-in to another.
Interface : improved default settings for aux channels in the input console
Interface : the panel to configure MIDI notes and controllers to inserts was redesigned
Interface : hanging windows zoom also change the size of displayed menus
Java : Logelloop now uses Java 13
Project examples : New native macro tutotial 1

Fixes in 5.1 :

Saved Loops : When Logelloop is in stereo, the sound files no more have a double length
Link is functional
Audio : fixed audio clicks in certain situations with some main looper function (Undo, NextLoop, etc)
Metronome : Fixed a case where the metronome couldn’t recall the bpm when a preset was loaded
Moving the master volume will not reopen the master if it is muted
Improved the fx channels count change behavior
Presets arranger : the stability is Improved
Presets arranger : added a fix to prevent slots under 1
Presets : fixed an issue which could prevent SFX not recall their states with the preset 1
Preset interpolation : now works with RingMod
Presets Arranger : no more lost the selected slot when Storing or make a new arrangement
A space after a scene memory name is automatically removed
Macro : Properly handle operators minus (-) and multiply (*) in LFO macro
Macro CopyToFile : fixed copy of non-current loops (B & C when A is playing)
Macro : InputPresetRecallOnPresetLoadEnable is fixed
Macro : In some cases macros could hang —> fixed
NextLoopDirect : Fixed the keyboard’s shortcut
NextLoopDirect : improved the macro command
File Player SFX memorize his settings in presets
SFX CutOff is active on all channels when Logelloop is in stereo
QuadPitchDelay and quaddelay are effective as soon as loaded when Logelloop is in stereo
Looper insert : When synchronized – more precise and better synced to the main Looper
Looper insert : Autofade after Record no longer blocks the Looper
Looper insert : After the loop is erased, it’s not possible to select a part with click drag
Looper insert : Record + Mute (in free mode) —> no more sound at record end
Looper insert : fixed the case when Record reach the max loop length
Solos / Mute tracks : fixed an issue after a project change
Midi control of speed : fixed direction change
File player —> Play state variable has the good value after stop
Ping Pong Delay take the right position when it is reloaded
Looper : maximal loop length is the same as for the Main Looper (broken in the first 5.1 beta)
LFO Chain setting is correctly saved in presets
Midi to VST / AU fixed the channel for midinote
LFE : FX to LFE improved the behavior
Granulaterre : fixed MIDI controller selection for sample > 1000 ms
Granulaterre : Fixed an issue with the end of the grain selection + improved the Grain selection behavior
Granulaterre : selecting a Main Looper’s track as buffer is now optimized to work with A, B and C
Granulaterre : buffer settings are stored in the presets
Slicer Arranger : fixed Midi commands
Loop editor : better color contrast
DashBoard : YouTube tutorials are now visible in the tutorials section
Audio : no more sound issue on some tracks when the master fader is set to -∞
Inputs : inserts aren’t removed anymore when an input is added or removed
Inputs : After NextLoop, the input inserts aren’t removed anymore
Output recorder : no more click and missing samples in the produced audio files
Output recorder : if inputs are added to the recorder after Logelloop is started, inputs are correctly connected to the recorder
Output recorder : Lots of interface improvement
Panners : When a project was used in spatialized and Stereo, the presets could have some problem to correctly pan the sound
Interface : the recording heads and waveforms are correctly showed when Logelloop is started with metronome Off
Interface : Unmute all tracks on Project change
Interface : Shortcuts fixes on Windows
Interface : Zoomed Main window has the correct size after new FXs channels were added
Interface : After the project settings window is closed, the main window is active (for the zoom function)
Interface : Inserts edit button is not clickable if there is no loaded inserts
Import audio : loop length transmitted to Delay, QuadDelay and QuadPitchDelay is the right one
Playlist : improved the MIDI note’s commands behavior
Delay (insert) : when linked to the loop length after the loop was recorded, Delay take the current loop length as reference.
Delay (insert) : The delay length when not synced is memorized in the presets
DelayPitch (insert) : can be unsynced from the metronome and the delay can be set in ms
DelayPitch (insert) : fixed the ‘Off’ behavior
Distortion insert : an issue that could lead to a different sound on both channels has been fixed
Audio Receive Insert : has 2 channels
CutOf SFX : improved midi control and preset recall

Logelloop 5.1 – A major free update !

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